Managing CRM SectionsCRM Sections are the links at the top and left side of the CRM Manager: The system allows you to control theses sections, add/move them, and also determine what information each sections displays. To manage the sections, click the "CRM Sections" link after accessing the "Admin Console": This will display the list of the current sections: (Please note, you may have to click the small "plus" icon beside the "CRM Manager" option first) To edit a section, click the edit pencil beside the section. To delete a section, click the trash can icon beside the section. To add a new section, click the "Add New" button. Section DetailsLet's review each element of the CRM Section edit/add form: Section TitleThe title of the section as it appears on the menus Menu LocationAllows you to specify the location of the menu item. You can chose to have the option be displayed at the top of left side. Table PluginEach section uses a table plugin to display a list of items from any table in the system. The table plugins are edited/created in the form designer. For example, the "accounts" table plugin is used for the Accounts section to display a list of all your accounts. CategoryThe category option allows you to create a one level sub-section for the left side options: At the left side of the CRM Manager, we can see there are 7 items in the General Category. This is where items go that are NOT categorized at all. In the Directory section three links have been added to that category in the setup. So use this option to keep related options together.
Default QueryThis is a developer option. If you know there table structure of the selected plugin, you can enter an SQL query to filter the desired records for the section. For example, if the section should only display accounts that have a account type of "lead" you would enter: custtype='lead'. This field will accept any valid SQL statement. Select A FilterInstead of using the above manual query option, you can create a filter visually using the "Table Filters" option: Then you can select the desired filter for the section using this option. Sort OrderYou can specify the order in which you want the item to be displayed in the CRM Area here. You can also use drag & Drop directly on the table to re-arrange the items. Search FieldsThis option allows you to specify what fields will be search when users use the quick search option at the top left corner of the CRM Manager: All selected fields will be searched when using this option. Security GroupsThis option restricts access to the section to users in the selected security group(s). Alternate URLAllows you to specify an alternate URL overriding the display of the table plugin, to display any other desired module/option. |